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What is microblading and powder brows?

Microblading uses pigment to create hyper realistic hair like strokes that enhances the eyebrows but in a very subtle, natural looking way. This is ideal for people who have normal to dry skin. Powder uses pin dot pigment application to recreate flawless, freshly applied make up you wear everyday. Powder effect is also known as microshading or ombre brows. This is best for all skin types especially those with oily skin. Both treatments requires a two step procedure – initial insertion of the pigment and establishing the shape of your brows and a touch up at 6-8 weeks.

Will my brows fade?

This is a semi permanent procedure which means it fades overtime. Depending on your skin type, lifestyle, cosmetic products you use, etc the treatment last from 1-3 years. The treatment needs to be repeated if you want to maintain the fresh look.

Who is not suitable to for permanent make up procedure?

Those with heart conditions, diabetes, skin conditions or irritated skin, have had Botox in the last 2 weeks, tan or chemical peel in the last 2 weeks, are pregnant, allergic to lidocaine, benzocaine, prilocaine or epinephrine are not suitable for permanent makeup procedures and may require a doctor’s release for services to be performed. You must have been off of any and all Accutane treatments for at least one full calendar year before you are able to have any of the permanent makeup procedures done. You must be able to lay completely flat for at least three hours for this procedure to be performed.

Is it painful?

A topical anesthetic numbing cream is used to numb the area. As with all forms of tattooing there may be some discomfort associated with permanent makeup procedures. Most clients describe the pain level as none to mild, depending on their personal pain threshold.

Why is a 6-8 Week Touch-Up Needed?

Everyone’s skin heals differently. It is influenced by your skin type, aftercare, lifestyle, exposure to sun, etc. Most guests develop areas of fading after the first treatment. It is important to understand that this is a two-part process and the 6-8 week Touch Up will complete the procedure, and after healing, you will see the finished results. Some clients may require 3 appointments.

Who should not receive Microblading or Powder Brows?

Under 18 Years Old Pregnant or Nursing History of Keloid Scarring Uncontrolled Diabetes

Taking Blood Thinning Medication

Auto-Immune Disorders (Lupus, MS, RA, etc.)

Undergoing any Cancer treatment and at least 6 months following Chemotherapy and/or Radiation Treatments


Accutane within 12 Months Received an Organ Transplant Botox within 4 weeks of treatment

What should I expect after the treatment?

You may experience minor swelling, redness and tenderness immediately after procedure. This may last a few hours up to a day. You should not require down time and with few exceptions, may resume regular activities the following day after your procedure, but avoid excessive sweating, swimming, saunas etc. Your tattoo will appear dark after the first day and gradually lighten as the tissue heals.

Fading is normal, and with proper Aftercare, scabbing is rare. Flaking is a normal part of the healing process as your skin regenerates and pigment is lost from the most outer epidermis. Understand that Microblading & Ombre’ Powder Brows is a two part process and any inconsistencies will be addressed at your 6-8 Week Touch-Up appointment. Sun exposure should be avoided and I advise applying an unscented SPF 30+ to keep your work beautiful for a longer period of time.

Do I need a consultation before my appointment?

Consultation is not required. However, if you have a lot of questions about the procedure, a free consultation is highly recommended. We understand the procedure can be daunting and we want to make sure all our clients feel comfortable with their decision. We also understand that this is an investment and a commitment to our clients. You will find out everything about the treatment itself, precare and aftercare and get to be informed about the products we use. We offer virtual and in person consultation.

Can you fix previous pmu/old tattoo work from another artist?

It depends. We would have to see your old tattoo first, to assess if it is fixable.

Please note that if you previously had tattoo work done, a clear photograph (without makeup) must be submitted before scheduling an consultation. Contact us for all details.

Is permanent make up safe?

We follow strict hygiene protocols and all the needles are disposable. We use only the top quality permanent makeup pigments. If you have any health conditions, inform your artist before the treatment.